Ubuntu 22.04 OS Compatibility

  • Dear All,


    Looking at the documentation, I see that the Ampere Altra Development Platform is shipped with a preinstalled Ubuntu Server 20.04.
    There are instructions to install Ubuntu 20.04, Yocto and CentOS, but I don't find any comments regarding the compatibility with newer OS/Kernel versions.
    By the way, the link you provide to the Ubuntu 20.04 image is actually pointing to the current version of Ubuntu server (24.04), is that a mistake?

    Do you know whether an Ubuntu Server 22.04 is supported on the machine?


  • I have just noticed that the link I got from the QR code in the quick start guide was sending me to the "AVA" page. That, plus the presence of AADP images are quite misleading...

    I realized that selecting the AADP docs from the menu in the wiki page let me access the proper documentation page, and there I found that the AADP also supports Ubuntu 22.04.

    Is there anyone who can confirm?


  • @Luigi Pannocchi Yes, the AADP supports all versions of Ubuntu.

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