I've been wondering if the COM-HPC-ALT module or carrier exposes any JTAG/SWD/etc. pins?
There's what looks to be debug headers on the module, but I haven't had any success connecting my ARM D-STREAM unit to them.
I'd like JTAG access because I'm working on EDK2 UEFI firmware and would like to debug some problems I'm seeing.

Hi Rebecca,
the JTAG has been enabled. let me get information from our team and update to you early next week.
@Alex Wang Thanks! I had trouble using a ARM-USB-TINY-H but was able to successfully run OpenOCD, connect GDB and get debugging working with an ARM-USB-OCD-HL.
@Alex Bennée Sorry but I don't know if I can share the document that ADLINK sent me privately, but it's a standard ARM10 header: https://developer.arm.com/documentation/101416/0100/Hardware-Description/Target-Interfaces/Cortex-Debug--10-pin-